To the Editor:
We are writing to share with the Brown community a tribute to our coach "Denny" — who will forever be in our hearts — and share what we will remember about him ("Body of assistant coach found," Feb. 28).
The candy — he made everything sweeter with the one-pound bag of jolly ranchers he brought to every game and practice.
His attentiveness and sensitivity — he would pull us aside to ask what was wrong or give gentle but constructive criticism.
His desire to make everyone's life a little brighter — he drove his small silver Honda Fit to our field so that we could blast (Joyce Chun's '11) remix to the beep test as we ran our fitness tests.
His unconditional encouragement — he kept a positive attitude no matter what and had a unique ability to make everyone around him feel special.
His playfulness — his handshake and the "high four" he would give to lighten the mood and make us laugh. He would tease us about boys, our favorite sports teams and the dynamic duo's sweaty goalie gloves.
His dedication to us and to the program — individual sessions any time, anywhere. His glasses would go flying when he would put his body on the line as goalie during the four-goal game. He spent countless hours bringing new players to our team.
His loyalty to Brown — he left his head coaching position to be our assistant coach.
His sweet tooth — he had dessert before dinner, always in large quantities.
His selflessness — when Gina (Walker '11) tore her anterior cruciate ligament, he said he wished it had been him. He offered to drive (Joanna Price '12) home when she tore her Achilles tendon so she would not be uncomfortable on the bus.
He loved his family — he let us hold the babies after games and invited us into his office to look at photos. His grandkids adored their "Pepe," and he would tell us his plans for his upcoming wedding anniversary.
We remember how much he loved our family. And we will never forget.
The Women's Soccer Team