To the Editor:
The only truth contained in the recent column by Solomon Swartz '14 ("Obama supports an apartheid state," March 22) was the title. I found it quite astounding that the words "occupation," "settlements" and "separation wall" — the most basic descriptors of the horrific reality on the ground — were nowhere to be found in this pitiful piece of propaganda. In claiming that "the issue is not apartheid because … we are talking about two separate and distinct nations locked in a stalemate in peace negotiations and border disputes," Swartz reveals apparent ignorance of the fact that the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem have been under belligerent occupation since 1967. We are most certainly not talking about "two separate and distinct nations" but rather about a brutal military occupier and the violent subjugation of a stateless people. Don't take my word for it — a cursory glance at the most basic principles of international law would confirm that the reality on the ground is one of systematic human rights abuses on the part of the U.S.-backed Israeli government and military.
Swartz's claim that "Palestinians are given opportunities to work and live in the state of Israel" demonstrates that he could use a quick tutorial on Israeli and international law. Maybe then he would be aware of the pillars of Israeli apartheid — the "law of return" and the "citizenship law" — which allow Jews born anywhere in the world to immigrate to Israel and acquire citizenship while simultaneously denying Palestinian refugees that same right as guaranteed by United Nations Resolution 194.
Swartz concludes that "for there to be peace, Israel needs to continue making concessions." I wonder what "concessions" he is referring to: ongoing land expropriation and settlement expansion in violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, ongoing construction of the annexation wall deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004 or perhaps Operation Cast Lead, also known as the Gaza massacre. Operation Cast Lead was a "concession" — one that happened to kill 1,400 Palestinians over three weeks in blatant violation of the most fundamental provisions of international humanitarian law.
Even a moment's consideration of the factual record quickly collapses the myths propagated by Swartz. But hey, at least he got the title right.
Ruhan Nagra MD'14