An article in Thursday's paper ("Buyout plan offered to U. employees," Nov. 5) contained the information that Brown would pay all but $83 per month of the health-care premiums for employees who take the buyout offer. In fact, the employees would be responsible for the full premium, with $83 contributed by the University each month.
An article in Thursday's paper ("UCS votes to increase activities fee by $8," Nov. 5) incorrectly identified Vice President for Campus Life and Student Services Margaret Klawunn as the chair of the University Resources Committee. Klawunn is not a member of the committee.
A caption on page 1 in Thursday's paper (accompanying "Filmmaker views Haiti revolution through leader's eyes," Nov. 5) incorrectly identified the man speaking as the filmmaker, Noland Walker. The man pictured in the photograph is Professor of Africana Studies Barrymore Bogues.