To the Editor:
I was delighted to see Anthony Badami's '11 recent column ("A forum for intellectual pugilism," Sept. 21) extol the virtues of campus debate; even going so far as to encourage a debate tournament among the Brown student body. However, I would be remiss if I did not tell Brown students who are not aware that the framework for student debate is already in place in the form of the Janus Political Union, an arm of the Janus Forum solely devoted to student debate on all sorts of politically relevant issues, such as the legalization of prostitution and Israeli security strategy (both debates that JPU hosted last academic year). If the desire for such a tournament is evident in the student body, JPU would be more than delighted to organize and run it. Our first debate is this Thursday, and will ask whether a public option is necessary for substantive health care reform. I look forward to hearing arguments put forth by the Brown student body, although I hope it's for something more than just for argument's sake.
Chris Havasy '10
Director, Janus Political Union