To our readers:
With a new year underway, we would like to briefly explain The Herald's new editorial policy. Today's editorial marks the first effort of a newly created editorial page board at The Herald. The establishment of an independent board in charge of editorials is a departure from previous years when The Herald's senior news editors wrote the editorials.This year's editorial policy reinforces a longstanding division between news and opinions. The paper's staff and contributors are prohibited from writing news and opinions pieces in the same semester. The Herald separates news from opinions in order to ensure the objectivity of the reporters and editors who are jointly responsible for our coverage. Editorials and columns adopt a particular stance but are held to the same standards as news content - every submission is fact-checked and reviewed by a section editor and a Herald copy editor.The editorial page board comprises former Herald reporters and columnists. Members were selected, in part, for their broad range of viewpoints and experiences. We strive to provide readers with informed commentary on topics that are timely, relevant and thought-provoking.We also hope to inspire dialog about issues of community interest. As the University's paper of record, we benefit from and depend on an involved readership. We welcome readers' story ideas, letters and feedback.
Nick Bakshi '10Zack Beauchamp '10Sara Molinaro '09James Shapiro '10Meha Verghese '10