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Spring 2016 Poll Results and Methodology

1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Christina Paxson is handling her job as president of the University?

8.3% Strongly approve

37.8% Somewhat approve

34.2% No opinion

17.4% Somewhat disapprove

2.2% Strongly disapprove

2. How informed do you feel about events on campus?

16.7% Very informed

63.2% Somewhat informed

10.9% Somewhat uninformed

2.7% Very uninformed

3. What factors have impacted your concentration choice? (Circle all that apply.)

92.5% Passion for subject

50.8% Chances of employment after graduation

23.3% Influence of faculty memberes

18.8% Influence of peers

25.1% Influence of family

4. Do you agree or disagree that all students should be required to take a course with the Diverse Perspectives in Liberal Learning designation before receiving an undergraduate degree from Brown?

29.6% Strongly agree

28.8% Somewhat agree

19.9% No opinion

13.6% Somewhat disagree

8.1% Strongly disagree

5. The University’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan includes the opportunity to participate in diversity training programs for faculty members but does not require them to participate. Do you agree or disagree that diversity training should be mandatory for faculty members?

49.4% Strongly agree

26.3% Somewhat agree

11.2% No opinion

8.7% Somewhat disagree

4.5% Strongly disagree

6. How often do you attend Brown athletic events in their entirety or close to their entirety?

3.5% More than once a week

5.7% Once a week

11.6% Once or twice a month

21.8% Once or twice a semester

20.3% Once a year

37.1% Never

7. How often do you attend artistic events (theater, comedy, music, etc.) in their entirety or close to their entirety?

3.2% More than once a week

8.2% Once a week

30.8% Once or twice a month

38.1% Once or twice a semester

11.7% Once a year

7.9% Never

8. Do you agree or disagree that the Department of Public Safety makes you feel safe?

24.5% Strongly agree

50.9% Somewhat agree

15.8% No opinion

6.6% Somewhat disagree

2.1% Strongly disagree

9. Do you agree or disagree that DPS should continue to be armed?

22.6% Strongly agree

28.4% Somewhat agree

20.8% No opinion

18.1% Somewhat disagree

10.1% Strongly disagree

10. What resources did you use when preparing to apply to college? (Circle all that apply.)

29.4% Professional testing tutor (paid)

6.6% Student testing tutor (paid)

21.5% Testing classes (paid)

69.1% Preparation books

45.1% Free resources offered by community or school

11.8% No resources

11. Do you agree or disagree that Brown/RISD Hillel should not have sponsored a talk by Janet Mock, a transgender rights activist, because of its ties to the state of Israel?

3.9% Strongly agree

6.2% Somewhat agree

39.0% No opinion

17.6% Somewhat disagree

33.3% Strongly disagree

12. How have you met the people with whom you’ve hooked up (meaning: making out or more intimate encounters including those in relationships) during your time at Brown? (Circle all that apply.)

12.0% Dating apps

26.4% Classes

48.0% Mutual friends

18.9% Housing arrangements

50.4% Parties and other social gatherings

27.6% Extracurricular activities

9.1% Other

24.5% I have not hooked up with anyone at Brown


The results come from 937 surveys that were collected at J. Walter Wilson, the Stephen Roberts ’62 Campus Center and the Sciences Library over the course of three days — April 6-7 and April 11. The margin of error is 2.95 percent with 95 percent confidence. The margin of error for specific subsets are as follow: 3.95 percent for females, 4.53 percent for males, 5.8 percent for first-years, 5.13 percent for sophomores, 6.28 percent for juniors, 6.74 percent for seniors, 4.36 percent for students who receive financial aid and 4.03 percent for students who do not receive financial aid.

The sample of students who took the poll is demographically similar to the undergraduate student body. The sample was 43.4 percent male, 55.6 percent female and 1 percent other. First-years made up 25.9 percent, sophomores 31.9 percent, juniors 22.2 percent and seniors 20.0 percent of the poll. Of students who receive financial aid represented in the poll, 4.3 percent receive just loans, 17.8 receive grants and loans, 15.8 percent receive grants covering some costs, 8 percent receive grants covering all costs and 54.1 percent receive no loans. Varsity athletes made up 12.6 percent, while non-athletes made up 87.4 percent. Of students surveyed, 81.6 percent identify as heterosexual, 6.1 percent as gay, 7.9 percent as bisexual and 4.4 percent as other. Students reported all of the races/ethnicities they identify with — 57.9 percent of students identify as white, 29.9 percent as Asian, 11.5 percent as Hispanic, 9.1 percent as black, 1.1 percent as American Indian/Alaska Native, 1.4 percent as Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and 4 percent as other. Students also marked the concentration area(s) that they are in — 29.9 percent are in the humanities/arts, 13.1 percent in business (business, entrepreneurship and organizations and econ), 19.8 in social sciences (not including BEO or econ), 24.5 percent in life sciences and 32.3% in physical sciences. Of students polled, 14.3 percent of students are legacy students, meaning they have a parent, grandparent or sibling who attended Brown, and 85.7 percent are not. First-generation students make up 16.9 percent and non-first-gen students made up 83.1 percent of the sample.

Statistical significance was established at 0.05 level. All cross-tabulation are statistically significant.

News Editor Lauren Aratani ’18, Sports Editor Taneil Ruffin ’17 and Senior Staff Writers Kasturi Pananjady ’19, Alex Skidmore ’19, Shira Buchsbaum ’19, Suvy Qin ’19, Julianne Center ’19 and Jackson Chaiken ’19 coordinated the poll. Herald section editors, senior staff writers and other staff members conducted the poll.

Over the next several weeks, The Herald will publish a series of articles about individual poll questions. Find results of previous polls at



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